Introducing LifeDesign

Earlier this fall, I completed The Kinder Institute Of Life Planning’s EVOKE training, and it was a life-changing experience. While that might seem a bit extreme, it is not.

I have been familiar with George Kinder’s life planning process; I’ve read his books, talked with advisors who have earned the Registered Life Planner designation, have even had George on the All About Your Benjamins Podcast—I’m definitely going to have him on the LifeDesign+ podcast for a part two, and implemented my own version of life planning with clients. But it wasn’t until I went through the training that I was able to appreciate the power of life planning fully.

After the second day of class, I knew I was going to introduce a life planning focused relationship; I had already introduced LifeDesign+ , a combination of life planning and life coaching, but only some are looking for life coaching. I also want to be able to help more people through the life planning process, so I am excited to introduce LifeDesign to RLS Wealth.

LifeDesign is for the individual or family looking to design a life plan to bring their authentic life to reality.

The LifeDesign relationship is based on The Kinder Institute Of Life Planning’s EVOKE process–focusing primarily on the E,V, and O.

Over the course of four meetings, we will EXPLORE from a high level what your authentic life might look like, create a clear VISION of your authentic life by having a conversation centered around your answers to the Three Questions and your Heart’s Grid exercises, review the OBSTACLES that could potentially stand between you and living your authentic life, and end with a plan for you to move forward, address the obstacles in your way, and closer to your authentic life.

Between meetings, you will be asked to complete some inspirational exercises to help facilitate our conversations and bring more clarity to what your authentic life looks like:

  • Kinder’s Three Questions

  • Your Heart’s Grid

  • Typical vs. Ideal Day, Week, and Year

  • Goals For Your Life

At the end of the final meeting, we will discuss how to align your life plan with your financial plan, which can be continued with RLS Wealth, if mutually agreed upon.

Fee Schedule:

$5,000 for individuals
$7,500 for couples
(½ of fee due in meeting one and remaining ½ after meeting four)

If continuing with financial planning, the ongoing AUM fee is:

1% up to $1,000,000
.75% $1,000,001 - $3,000,000
0.50% $3,000,000+
(this is not a blended fee schedule; the tier of AUM is the fee for all assets managed).

The combination of LifeDesign and LifeDesign+ excites me about the future or RLS Wealth and my opportunity to help more people find and live their authentic lives.

If LifeDesign or LifeDesign+ aren’t a good fit but you’re still interested in finding a financial advisor to work with, please feel free to reach out as I know a lot of great financial advisors and will happily make a connection to a couple I think fit what you’re looking for.