Two relationships to align your authentic life with your finances.
As we have evolved as a firm, so has our vision of what financial planning should look like. We believe the financial advisor relationship should be more consultative and collaborative, less dictated and more focused on the personal components than the spreadsheets.
Enter our AlignedLife relationship.
AlignedLife is for the individual or family looking to design a life plan to bring their authentic life to reality.
The AlignedLife relationship is based on The Kinder Institute Of Life Planning’s EVOKE process—Exploration, Vision, Obstacles, Knowledge, and Execution.
Over the course of five meetings we will EXPLORE from a high level what your authentic life might look like, create a clear VISION of your authentic life by having a conversation centered around your answers to the Three Questions and your Heart’s Grid exercises, review the OBSTACLES that could potentially stand between you and living your authentic life, and end with a plan for you to move forward, address the obstacles in your way, and closer to your authentic life.
Between meetings you will be asked to complete some inspirational exercises to help facilitate our conversations and bring more clarity to what your authentic life looks like:
Kinder’s Three Questions
Your Heart’s Grid
Typical vs. Ideal Day, Week, and Year
Goals For Your Life
We’ll then take this plan and align your finances and design a new financial life plan using the KNOWLEDGE of financial planning strategies I’ve acquired over the last twenty years. Finally, we’ll EXECUTE your plan and update it so it can evolve as your authentic life evolves.
Fee Schedule:
$5,000 for individuals
$7,500 for couples
(½ of fee due in meeting one and remaining ½ after meeting four)
If continuing with financial planning, the ongoing AUM fee is:
1% up to $1,000,000
.75% $1,000,001 - $3,000,000
0.50% $3,000,000+
(this is not a blended fee schedule; the tier of AUM is the fee for all assets managed).
AlignedLife+ is for the individual looking to connect spirit, mind, body, and money. By connecting these four areas of life, we believe our clients can find and live their authentic lives.
The AlignedLife+ relationship requires a significant commitment from both you and us but can yield life changing results:
Completing the EVOKE financial life planning process to create and align your authentic life with your financial life plan.
Weekly meetings held on the same day and time each week to continue to support you in your Pursuit of your authentic life.
An annual financial plan update meeting.
AlignedLife+ is a high touch, high impact relationship designed to help clients find their authentic life. It is more life coaching and design than financial planning, hence AlignedLife+, with financial planning being the (+).
We only welcome 1 AlignedLife+™ client per month, given the scope of the relationship.
Fee Schedule:
$2,000 a month with a one-year commitment plus 0.35% Assets Under Management (AUM), if desired.
"There’s beauty in completion. And always faith in the unknown."
Kendrick Lamar.